I have just had a blazing row with my ex on the phone.
I just realised that last Friday, unlike what he has been doing since we separated, he did not pay me the right amount of money for my child support.
I am raising two children and I need at least $400 a week to do it. I don't work as I am a committed full-time mother, and $200 is simply a joke. Because I am committed to my kids does not mean that he can rip me off. Its my money not his, as I spend it on his kids.
I gave him a piece of my mind on the phone and told him that if I don't get the $200 he owes me by next Friday, then I will not let him talk to the kids on the phone anymore. He claimed that I am not paying rent so it evens out, but what kind of logic is that? I have the kids so its my house now, so rent has nothing to do with it.
I think he is trying to pressure me to let him see the kids again, but why should I? If I do then he will simply use that as an excuse to reduce my child support.
Its just not fair. Fathers have all the power and mothers have no power at all. He is being so malicious to me, and nobody will help me.
He told me that if I didn't like it that I should apply to the Child Support Agency to assess us. This is obviously a trick that I will not fall in to.
He is wrong if he thinks he can push me around.
I know if I go to my parents for help they will start supporting my ex again, just like they always do. I feel so sorry for all women who are abused like I am on a daily basis by these men who don't care about their kids at all.
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3 months ago