Saturday, November 28, 2009

Its NOT my fault!

To all you women who have written to me, it's not my fault! Its my ex's fault. He is to blame NOT me!

Anyway, my neighbour did it too so why should't I? If anyone should be accused of lying its my neighbour who freely admits it, not me.

And before you accuse me of anything, have you seen the videos on YouTube by Barbara Biggs? It seems that all mothers who claimed child sexual abuse are now NOT believed. It's these videos that convinced me that I had to do something.

The laws should be changed to the way they were, so thank God there are women like Barbara Biggs around who knows which side she is on.


  1. Yes, I have seen the videos on YouTube.

    All it proves is how many psycho mothers are out there.

    They all have no proof of any wrong doing, but they all seem certain despite the weight of evidence that their ex sexually abused their children.

    This is either dishonesty of delusion.

    And the Courts did the right thing by removing these children from these women, as they posed a real danger to the kids wellbeing.

    Do yourself a favour and look at these videos again, maybe this time with an open mind.

  2. "To all you women who have written to me, it's not my fault! Its my ex's fault. He is to blame NOT me!"

    Yes, it's not his fault you made up allegations and asked your kid to lie about them so you can steal the child away from his father, to avoid any sort of joint custody. Oh yeah, you're the victim alright.
