Friday, October 23, 2009

Finally people who understand me

Thanks to all the gals who have written.

Finally people who understands me. Everyone seems to be against me, even my parents.

They think my ex is a great guy. If he was so great then why did I have to look elsewhere.

I just feel that it is so unfair that I have to share my kids with him. He had his chance and he blew it. Now I want to get on with my life. I don't need the hassle of shared care. Its just not fair on me and what I want to do with my life.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Protests against Shared Care

I saw a news story a few month ago with all these mothers protesting for all the thousands of children that have been murdered in this country by their fathers since these new shared care laws came into effect. I think they lit a candle for every murderded child.

I don't know what John Howard was thinking when he put such a stupid law in place.

I want to protest like these mothers did on tv. I want my ex to know that I am not going to back off and let him get his way.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A mother should be supported unconditionally

A mother should be supported unconditionally. Why should I have to explain anything to anyone? I gave birth to my kids. How could I do anything that could harm them?

I do the hardest job there is. All he does is give us money. Big deal! I sometimes feel like I am his babysitter. I just look after his kids and he gets them for the good times. Did he ever say thank you to me? No, he doesn't care about me or respect my opinion, he only wants to see his kids.

I stopped him from seeing my boy this weekend. I can't do everything by his timetable. I wanted to spend some time with my son so I did the right thing. He can see him next fortnight.

I went to find some support from my parents but I had a big argument with my mother today. She just doesn't understand how hard it is to be a single mother. She always sides with my ex and makes him out to be such a great guy. I feel so shitty. She should be supporting me and everything I do.

I just feel so shitty today.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

I think he is sexually abusing my son

Thanks everyone. I just feel better hearing from you all and knowing that I have people who support me.

I have been searching into what I should do on the internet, and last night I went to a website called YouTube and I searched on family law and Australia. I found all these videos of Australian mothers who have had their children taken away by the Family Court and given to the child molesting fathers.

This is a national disgrace! Why are all these kids being taken away from such good mothers and being put in the hands of child molesters? This stupid law has to be changed.

I knew these Howard laws were bad, but I could not believe that the Courts don't care if the father has previously sexually molested the children.

I was thinking of contacting DoCS myself because I am starting to have suspicions about my ex's behaviour when he is alone with my son. I recently saw my son touching his penis while I was giving him a bath, and on the internet I read that this could be a sign of child sexual abuse.

But now I am scared to contact DoCS or the police because I am afraid that they will give full custody of my son to his father.

I am really confused here. My mother says that I am being malicious, but I am convinced that something is going on. This is something that a mother just knows.

Are there any child sexual abuse experts that I can take my son to?


Friday, October 16, 2009

NO to Medition

I decided that I will not agree to mediation with my ex.

If I agree he will see this as a weakness on my part and this will encourage him. He has already brainwashed my son by buying him toys and taking him to the rugby and stuff like that, and he will do the same to my daughter if I gave him half the chance.

I have to protect my children and if that means going to court then I will do it.

I do not work so does that mean that I qualify for legal aid automatically? It's all based on your income isn't it, or do they consider things like the value of your home and your other assets?

I really appreciate everyone's support in this. Its really confusing for me right now but with your help I feel confident that I am doing the best thing for my kids.



Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mediation or Court

My ex just called me and he said that because I do not agree to attend mediation that he can now take me to Court. He said that this is the law and my refusal to attend mediation will look bad in Court.

Is this true? Do I have to go to mediation by law?

Help someone.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I will not attend Mediation

I decided that I will not agree to mediation with my ex.

If I agree he will see this as a weakness on my part and this will encourage him. He has already brainwashed my son by buying him toys and taking him to the rugby and stuff like that, and he will do the same to my daughter if I gave him half the chance.

I have to protect my children and if that means going to court then I will do it.

I do not work so does that mean that I qualify for legal aid automatically? It's all based on your income isn't it, or do they consider things like the value of your home and your other assets?

I really appreciate everyone's support in this. Its really confusing for me right now but with your help I feel confident that I am doing the best thing for my kids.



Saturday, October 10, 2009

Child Custody - Australia

This is my blog Child Custody laws and why they should be repealed.

My name is Cynthia,

I am separated from my partner of 9 years. We have two children, a 7 year old boy and a 3 year old girl.

My ex wants shared care for our son for 5 days out of 14, and for now because of her age he is happy to keep seing our daughter two days a fortnight.

I feel really uncomfortable about shared care and don't think it is natural for my son to be away from me for so long.

I am looking for online forums, email lists and things like that of women in similar situations to me who are sick of these stupid new family laws and want to do something for their kids.

So far my ex has asked me to attend a family relationship centre for mediation. I refused. I don't think we have anything to mediate. I am not going to be forced into something that is bad for my kids.

But I need help from other mothers.